Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology |Sherazi Services


Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology


The latter part of the 20th century saw the beginning of a replacement revolution in technology that seemed equally as powerful because the technological revolution that preceded it the impacts and developments of the new 20th century technologies aren't easy to assess as they're still considerably a part of an ongoing process which will well barely be beginning the new technologies that have caused such people are interrelated and overlap to some degree they include computers new communication technologies digitally formats multifunctional devices new military weapons the advantages.

Mobile Technology

Technology one thanks to the internet and mobile technologies we can communicate with anyone in the world and form relationships with people who are some distance away instead of being limited to people within our physical vicinity, this has some great positives for both work and residential life to the increased automation of production and lots of other jobs because of computers means greater efficiency fewer people doing boring repetitive jobs and a rise in flexibility regarding work times many roles can now be done remotely thanks to the internet with many workers increasingly being able to work from home at times of their choosing 3 the wealth of information that is now available is astonishing in theory a minimum of having access to the web means having access to most of the world's knowledge increasingly we do not even get to be sat at a desk to access the information either as mobile devices become more and more powerful for the entertainment the industry has experienced a revolution consumers now have a credible choice of movies shows games music and other


Entertainment available 24/7 in the music and film industries are democratized as artists are not any longer reliant on companies to fund and promote them as they will do it all themselves five technology can now be wont to advance itself science is benefitting massively from the lightning speeds that


Computers can perform calculations and investigate complex questions that would take humans many lifetimes to answer medical breakthroughs chemical and astronomical discoveries have all been made due to computers six modern technology saves us lots of time whether it's our computer regulated cars driving us to figure washing machines to try to  our laundry or automated banking to permit us to pay by MasterCard use internet banking or get cash out from the ATM 7 computer regulation and automation means that many devices and machines now function much more efficiently and use less power either because they are working at the most efficient rate or they automatically switch themselves off when not in use this provides benefits for the environments as well as being a cost-saver the disadvantages of technology one human relations are diminished in the virtual world as online social networking increasingly replaces real face-to-face and physical contact alienation can increase as well as problems such as cyberbullying online stalking and cybercrime which are related to the anonymity of the Internet to human beings are less and less valued in the workplace as their roles are replaced by computers outsourcing has meant bigger profits for companies but a decline in wages and conditions and more unemployment for ordinary workers especially in Western nations multinational corporations are increasingly impossible to control by individual nation-states three issues of privacy have become huge as it becomes increasingly difficult to control personal information in the digital and Internet world


Financial on internet

Financial details can be hacked into candid photos or videos posted on the web slurs and accusations made against people's characters and personal identities can be stolen for intellectual property theft and piracy have made it more and harder for creative people to form any money from their output media are often digitalized then distributed across the internet very easily and therefore the process seems impossible to regulate ultimately it'll cause a decline in artistic and artistic quality as people not have the time in funds to pursue projects five modern societies are increasingly dependent on technology so much so that many basic services such as hospitals power grids

Airports & Railway Road

Airports rail and road transport systems and military defenses can now be knocked out by cyber attack or a catastrophic failure humans would be almost helpless if the technology was taken away overnight 6 we are increasingly becoming overwhelmed by the information overload that modern technology brings as we are bombarded by irrelevant emails cells telephone calls text messages internet advertising etc instead of saving us time new technology means we are expected to process more and more information and work even more intensively 7 technology brings with it all kinds of environmental problems also as machines and devices often being made up of toxic or non biodegradable materials most technologies need an influence source which may often mean an increase in the consumption of electricity and fossil fuels eight technology has a general dehumanizing effect as well as in the workplace the the military is increasingly becoming more technological an example is pilotless drone aircraft which may attack and kill people with the controller many thousands of miles away

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Unknown said…
Thank you sir its informative